Pre & Post-Marital Relationship

Below are several videos that were created for those 1) seriously thinking about getting married 2) already engaged 3) newlywed couples and 4) couples who have been married for years. The hope and intent of these videos is to provide information, spiritual guidance and food for thought based on Rev. Guy’s personal knowledge and experiences.  

These videos were prepared knowing that everyone who watches may not be a Christian or even a churchgoer. If that’s you, don’t let it discourage you from watching anyway. Rocky relationships happen to people of every religion, race, creed and color. Problems can affect anyone anywhere and the pain and heartache that occur as a result of a troubled relationships can seem to last forever no matter your background.            

Unfortunately, many couples wait too late to seek help when they are in a rough relationship. They think it will blow over or that they can handle the situation themselves. In other cases, they are either in denial about the extent of the trouble or they are too embarrassed to ask for help. They use up all their ideas, efforts, patience and energies so that, by the time they finally consider help, they are too emotionally exhausted to benefit from it. Now, you may be saying to yourself “Yep, that sounds like me”, but I assure you it’s NOT you and here’s why……you’re still reading! Thank God, you’re still reading! You obviously want things to get better and with your last bit of strength and hope you made it to this website.

So get comfortable and review these videos at your leisure. Don’t try to get through them all in one sitting. It is far more important that you “pause and ponder” the insights that are shared herein. Take time to meditate and contemplate how they might help you in your relationship.

Finally, feedback is welcome and anything shared will be kept confidential or anonymous. Questions and comments can be submitted by hovering over “Contact Us” in this header above, then click on “Prayer Requests, Biblical or Marital Questions.”

Our prayer is that your relationship grows stronger with each passing day and that any challenges the two of you may face going forward will be viewed as opportunities to renew your love for one another and for God, who has blessed you with each other.

Pre & Post-Marital Relationship Videos